Вокзал для двоих. Bahnhof für zwei

PiK DeutzKunstWerk e.V., Cologne1.5. – 15.8.2021

  • Julia Boxler

  • Sophie Calle and Greg Shephard

  • Florrie James

  • Isabel Lewis

  • Mira Mann

  • Café Miao

  • Miriam Stoney

Performance and film series dedicated to the motive of running away and its possible meanings and implications, curated with Lisa Klosterkötter.

In the final scene of the soviet film classic Вокзал для двоих [Station for Two] (1982), from which the project borrow its title, the two main characters Platon and Vera are running for their lives on a snow covered country road. This fatal sprint leads them back to the penal colony where Platon is serving a sentence. The run is fatal, as any delay will result in the prolongation of his imprisonment. The key scene contrasts the imprisonment in its movement. The central subject of the film also operates on the tension between movement and standstill: the protagonist misses his train at the station in Zastupinsk and is stuck there for several days. At the train station, which generally functions as a place and symbol of movement, arrival and departure, Plato remains a hostage of the circumstances and for days he is unable to continue his journey. The performance and film series Вокзал для двоих. Bahnhof für zwei at PiK Deutz focuses on the motif of running away and wants to trace the meanings with which it is charged in the course of various artistic explorations. A starting point is offered by the different reasons for running away: restlessness, wanderlust, late modern expectations of mobility, solution or problem, freedom or compulsion, whether one wants to run away or has to run away makes all the difference. Some run away from ghosts, others from themselves, from responsibilities, conflicts, their own past or future. Towards a hopeful place, away from unworthy circumstances. The project also looks at the obstacles and limits of running away, the spaces of possibility and transformation processes that have arisen. Are they consequences of political, economic or ecological violence and grievances of state catastrophes, personal longings and a sense of urgency, is it a matter of escape into an inner world or parallel reality? And what do the situational and emotional stages of running away look like? Is one in a stagnant state of waiting or pause, does one draw hope, lose patience, turn around or go through a purposeful final spurt?

Isabel Lewis with Kevin Bonono, Mars Dietz, and Justin Kennedy, Escapadism
Digital event via zoom

Florrie James, 4 Day Weekend Underground (2021)
Film screening

Café Miao (Marvin Almaraz Dosal, Leyla Yenirce, Marlene Lockemann, Astrid Kajsa Nylander, Vienna Gist, Tanja Nis-Hansen, Niclas Riepshoff, Shira Lewis), After Party

Julia Boxler, Bye, bye Baby (2018) in conversation with Elena Malzew
Film screening and artist talk

Mira Mann with Aro Han, Changdarc, Nam Sook Kim-Bücker, Julie Pitsch, SSSSUUUU-GUUUUNG-GGGGAAAA (sketch of part 2 / Bang!)

Miriam Stoney, I have been / Correct me if I’m wrong

07.08.2021 / 08.08.2021
Sophie Calle and Greg Shephard, Double Blind / No Sex Last Night (1992)
Film screening

During the exhibition and the performance program, a series of postcard editions by Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, Ayami Awazuhara, Anton Engel, Ieva Epnere, Nouria Behloul, Nora Hansen, Irina Konyukhova, Talisa Lallai, Shira Lewis, and Kristin Loschert were available to purchase

Isabel Lewis with Kevin Bonono, Mars Dietz, Justin Kennedy, Escapadism, 2021, digital event via zoom
Isabel Lewis with Kevin Bonono, Mars Dietz, Justin Kennedy, Escapadism, 2021, digital event via zoom
Isabel Lewis with Kevin Bonono, Mars Dietz, Justin Kennedy, Escapadism, 2021, digital event via zoom
Café Miao, After Party, 2021, Florrie James, 4 Day Weekend Underground (2021)
Florrie James, 4 Day Weekend Underground (2021)
Julia Boxler, Bye, bye Baby (2018)
Julia Boxler, Bye, bye Baby (2018), artist talk
Mira Mann, Panoscene, 2021, installation view, Café Miao, After Party, 2021, installation view
Café Miao, After Party, installation view, 2021, Mira Mann, Panoscene, 2021, installation view
Café Miao, After Party, 2021, installation view
Café Miao, After Party, 2021, performance
Mira Mann, Panoscene, 2021, installation view
Mira Mann with Aro Han, Changdarc, Nam Sook Kim-Bücker, Julie Pitsch, SSSSUUUU-GUUUUNG-GGGGAAAA (sketch of part 2 / Bang!), 2021, performance
Mira Mann with Aro Han, Changdarc, Nam Sook Kim-Bücker, Julie Pitsch, SSSSUUUU-GUUUUNG-GGGGAAAA (sketch of part 2 / Bang!), 2021, performance
Mira Mann with Aro Han, Changdarc, Nam Sook Kim-Bücker, Julie Pitsch, SSSSUUUU-GUUUUNG-GGGGAAAA (sketch of part 2 / Bang!), 2021, performance
Mira Mann with Aro Han, Changdarc, Nam Sook Kim-Bücker, Julie Pitsch, SSSSUUUU-GUUUUNG-GGGGAAAA (sketch of part 2 / Bang!), 2021, performance
Mira Mann with Aro Han, Changdarc, Nam Sook Kim-Bücker, Julie Pitsch, SSSSUUUU-GUUUUNG-GGGGAAAA (sketch of part 2 / Bang!), 2021, performance
Miriam Stoney, I have been / Correct me if I’m wrong, 2021, performance
Miriam Stoney, I have been / Correct me if I’m wrong, 2021, performance
Sophie Calle and Greg Shephard, Double Blind / No Sex Last Night (1992), film screening
Sophie Calle and Greg Shephard, Double Blind / No Sex Last Night (1992), film screening
Postcard editions
Postcard editions, Kristin Loschert
Postcard editions, Irina Konyukhova
Postcard editions, Ieva Epnere
Postcard editions, Nouria Behloul

Photographer: Alwin Lay, Lisa Klosterkötter