Jasmin Werner, Schloss der Republik Burj Khalifa OFW I

Come Over Chez Malik'sHamburg2020

The publication Schloss der Republik Burj Khalifa OFW I was conceived as part of Jasmin Werner's exhibition of the same name at Come Over Chez Malik's in 2020. With Chez Malik's bar closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the exhibition was hosted by Seaman's Mission Hamburg-Altona. To ensure broader accessibility despite Covid-19 restrictions, a mail-art publication was created and distributed by post.

Editor: Elena Malzew, Elisa Barrera
Designer: Max Scholl
Proofreading: Sofia Leiby, Martik Karcher
Language: English, German
Size: 230 x 320 mm
Pages: 28
Format: mail-art
Edition run: 150