Prova d’amore

Come Over Chez Malik’sKirchenweg 2, Hamburg14.12.2018

  • Salomo Andrén, Elisa Barrera, mosalo enandr, Clemens Freigang & Michael Sullivan, Jens Hüls Funder and Sebastian Hedevang and Morten Knudsen and Andreas Rønholt Schmidt, Futureshark, Simon Glaser, Daniel Hauptmann, Stefan Holzmann, Mara Ittel, Florrie James, Evan Jose, Ane Kvåle and Jon Eirik Kopperud, Magdalena Los, Takeo Marquardt, Andrej Michalec, Nele Möller, Cecilie Nørgaard, Pablo Schlumberger, Hilda Stammarnäs, Camilla Steinum, Hanna Stiegeler, Torben Wessel, Alison Yip, Cosima zu Knyphausen

Book launch & printed editions

Come Over Chez Malik’s is a project space located in the basement of a vodka bar near the central train station in the St. Georg district of Hamburg. Founded in 2014, it has been run by Elisa Barrera and Elena Malzew since 2018.

Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Alison Yip, Ze, 2018, Elisa Barrera, I dreamed of having received 250 messages from you, woke up knowing that there were just 140, in reality there were none, 2018
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view

Photographer: Fred Dott